Vicinal diols and their derivatives are common motifs in al arge number of biologically active compounds and are also important intermediates in organics ynthesis. To achieve these structural units in ah ighly stereoselective manner,d irect dioxygenation of simple alkene precursors has provedt ob et he most straightforward approach, and thus many practical proceduresu sing various strategies have been developed. In this Focus Review ac oncise summary of the main methods for anti-dioxygenation of olefins is presented.
Scheme1.Categories of vicinal anti-dioxygenation of alkenes.[a] Prof.Scheme6.Ammonium-directed formal anti-dioxygenation as key step for the synthesis of aza-and amino sugars.Scheme7.N-Oxide-directed formal anti-dihydroxylation.Scheme8.NafionN R50-catalyzed anti-dihydroxylation.Scheme9.PTSA-catalyzed anti-dihydroxylation.Scheme14. SeO 2 -catalyzed anti-dihydroxylation.Scheme15. Diselenide-catalyzed anti-dihydroxylationo fcyclohexene.Scheme16. Chiral-diselenide-catalyzed asymmetric anti-dihydroxylation.