increasing rate of resistance of bacterial infection against
antibiotics requires next generation approaches to fight potential
pandemic spread. The development of vaccines against pathogenic bacteria
has been difficult owing, in part, to the genetic diversity of bacteria.
Hence, there are many potential target antigens and little a priori knowledge of which antigen/s will elicit protective
immunity. The painstaking process of selecting appropriate antigens
could be avoided with whole-cell bacteria; however, whole-cell formulations
typically fail to produce long-term and durable immune responses.
These complications are one reason why no vaccine against any type
of pathogenic E. coli has been successfully clinically
translated. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate a method to enhance
the immunogenicity of a model pathogenic E. coli strain
by forming a slow releasing depot. The E. coli strain
CFT073 was biomimetically mineralized within a metal–organic
framework (MOF). This process encapsulates the bacteria within 30
min in water and at ambient temperatures. Vaccination with this formulation
substantially enhances antibody production and results in significantly
enhanced survival in a mouse model of bacteremia compared to standard
inactivated formulations.