Probiotics have been reported to benefit human health by modulating immunity, lowering cholesterol, improving lactose tolerance, and preventing some cancer. Once ingested, probiotic microorganisms have to survive harsh conditions such as low pH, protease-rich condition, and bile salts during their passage through the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract colonize and proliferate to exert their probiotic effects. The dual coating technology, by which the bacteria are doubly coated with peptides and polysaccharides in consecutive order, was developed to protect the ingested bacteria from the harsh conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the viable stability of a doubly coated blend of four species of Bifidobacterium by comparing its bile/acid resistance and heat viability in vitro with that of the non-coated blend. After challenges with acid, bile salts, heat, and viable cell counts (VVCs) of the dual coated and non-coated blend were determined by cultivation on agar plates or flow cytometric measurement after being stain with the BacLigtht kit TM . The results showed that the dual coated blend was much higher resistant to the acidic or bile salt condition than the non-coated blend and heat viability was also higher, indicating that the dual coating can improve the survival of probiotic bacteria during their transit through the GI tract after consumption.