Meeting environments, such as conference rooms, executive briefing centers, and exhibition spaces, are now commonly equipped with multiple displays, and will become increasingly display-rich in the future. Existing authoring / presentation tools such as PowerPoint, however, provide little support for effective utilization of multiple displays. Even using advanced multi-display enabled multimedia presentation tools, the task of assigning material to displays is tedious and distracts presenters from focusing on content. This paper describes a framework for automatically assigning presentation material to displays, based on a model of the quality of views of audience members. The framework is based on a model of visual fidelity which takes into account presentation content, audience members' locations, the limited resolution of human eyes, and display location, orientation, size, resolution, and frame rate. The model can be used to determine presentation material placement based on average or worst case audience member view quality, and to warn about material that would be illegible. By integrating this framework with a previous system for multi-display presentation [PreAuthor, others], we created a tool that accepts PowerPoint and/or other media input files, and automatically generates a layout of material onto displays for each state of the presentation. The tool also provides an interface allowing the presenter to modify the automatically generated layout before or during the actual presentation. This paper discusses the framework, possible application scenarios, examples of the system behavior, and our experience with system use. Even though multiple displays can facilitate a presenter to convey sophisticated knowledge to audience members and we are surrounded by multiple displays in many public places, existing presentation tools, such as PowerPoint, provide no support for multiple displays. To enable better use of media-rich environments, we designed EPIC, a tool for authoring and replaying presentations on arbitrary device configurations. EPIC complements, but does not replace tools used to author specific media. It can organize media prepared for simple devices and synchronously present them in one or more multimedia venues. For example, the EPIC system can import a conventional PowerPoint file and reauthor it for effective presentation on multiple displays. Our prototype supports arbitrary configurations of displays, printers, speakers and room lights. EPIC, which stands for Environment Picking Image Canvas, uses live or static images of the presentation environment as a graphical user interface (GUI). This allows users to visually select and control presentation devices, even in remote locations. Users may drag slides or media files onto a visual representation of the intended device. For example, a user can drag a slide thumbnail on top of any of the displays visible in Figure 1 to show a slide on that display. Additionally, EPIC supports virtual presentation previews. By displaying the selected slides ov...