SummaryThe development of mathematical models is a major bottleneck for the application of advanced model-based techniques for control, optimization, scheduling, automatic fault detection and diagnosis in the process industries. Hence, there is a potential for improved product quality and pro tability, a s w ell as improved production exibility and safety if the cost of model development can be reduced. In this thesis we address some aspects of non-linear modeling and identi cation using a combination of empirical process data and prior knowledge. The major part of this thesis is concerned with a modeling framework based on an operating regime decomposition of the system's operating range. Within each operating regime, the system is modeled with a simple local model. The local models are patched together using a smooth interpolation technique. This framework supports the development of transparent semi-empirical or semi-mechanistic models, and is exible with respect to the prior knowledge and empirical data required. We argue that the cost of model development c a n b e l o w, yet the quality of the model can be high, through the application of this modeling framework, in some cases. These cases are characterized by a limited amount of process knowledge, and the availability of a reasonable amount of process data. Identi cation of model structure and parameters on the basis of process data in this framework is discussed in detail. The properties of the modeling framework is illustred with some semi-realistic examples, both simulated and experimental. In addition, the applicability of the modeling framework for model based control is investigated both through simulation examples and analysis. A minor part of this thesis is an optimization formulation of the modeling and identi cation problem, where the idea is to minimize a criterion that penalizes mismatch b e t ween model behavior and empirical data, and inconsistency with the prior knowledge. The motivation is that in some cases, the application of prior knowledge may be simpler and more transparent than through the direct speci cation of a parameterized model structure, which is the traditional approach. In addition, this thesis contains some theoretical results of more general interest. Some of these results are related to properties of some model structure identi cation criteria, while others are related to the stability and robustness of adaptive control loops based on non-linear models.iii iv