Secondary metabolites of the plant kingdom have long been important as leading precursors in the pharmaceutical industry (Simmond and Grayer 1999). Reconstruction of biopathways in plants plays key roles in effectively biosynthesizing those precursors, but rational engineering of secondary metabolic pathways in plants requires a thorough knowledge of the whole biosynthetic pathway and a detailed understanding of the regulatory mechanisms controlling the onset and flux of the pathways. Such information is not yet available for the vast majority of secondary metabolites though studies have progressed extensively. For example, chemical structures of around 50,000 secondary metabolites from the plant kingdom have been determined (Verpoote 1998;De Luca and St Pierre 2000) whereas only around 2,000 enzyme reactions are known. Some researchers have predicted more than 200,000 metabolites for the plant kingdom and the number of plant species is predicted to be around 400,000 in the world (Hostettmann 2000). Thus, experimental evidence is insufficient for assigning all metabolites to metabolic pathways.There are several approaches for pathway prediction such as fingerprints (Tohsato and Nishimura 2008), reaction rule-base (Langowski and Long 2002;Talafous et al. 1994;Ellis et al. 2006;Hou et al. 2004;Oh et al. 2007) and maximum common subgraph search (MCSS) (Kotera et al. 2008). The fingerprint-based approach predefines some important molecular fragments and determines which fragments are included in each metabolite as bit-strings consisting of 0's and 1's. This approach can measure similarity between two metabolites without much computational effort, but these fingerprints can't consider connectivity between each fragment, making it difficult for this approach to predict correct pathways. Rule-based approaches predefine reaction rule-base on the basis of predefined organic metabolic reactions and predict possible pathways. Prediction by these approaches has the limitation that it depends on the restricted types of rule-base. Also, there is the possibility that the result of prediction of unknown pathways is biased by the nature of known pathways. An MCSS-based approach does not require predefined information, but this approach is an NP-hard problem (Hattori et al. 2003). Therefore, an MCSS-based approach is computationally difficult and probably to reduce the burden of computation in one such approach, only 2,502,333 metabolite pairs were compared while