In CRYPTO 2016, Cogliati and Seurin have proposed a noncebased MAC called Encrypted Wegman-Carter with Davies-Meyer (EWCDM), from an n-bit block cipher E and an n-bit almost xor universal hash function H as E K 2 E K 1 (N) ⊕ N ⊕ H K h (M) , for a nonce N and a message M that provides roughly 2n/3-bit MAC security. However, obtaining the similar security using a single block cipher key was posed as an open research problem. In this paper, we present Decrypted Wegman-Carter with Davies-Meyer (DWCDM+) construction based on a single block cipher key that provides 2n/3-bit MAC security from an n-bit block cipher E and an n-bit k-regular (∀k ≤ n), almost xor universal hash function H as E −1 K E K (N) ⊕ N ⊕ H K h (M). DWCDM+ is structurally very similar to its predecessor EWCDM except that the facts that (i) the number of block cipher keys reduced from 2 to 1 and (ii) the outer encryption call is replaced by a decryption one. To make the construction truely single-keyed, here we derive the hash key K h as the block cipher output of a fixed string 0 n−2 10 as long as the hash key is of n bits. We show that if the nonce space is restricted to (n − 1) bits, DWCDM+ is secured roughly up to 2 2n/3 MAC queries (2 n/2 MAC queries) and 2 n verification queries against nonce respecting (nonce misuse resp.) adversaries.