. Interactions between beef lung heparin and M~" and La3+ counterions, in the presence of sodium ions, have been investigated by I3C-nmr spectroscopy. The chemical shift displacements observed for the carbons of the main disaccharide unit of heparin, when analysed on the basis of counterion condensation theory, indicate that the association between the heparin polyanion and Mg2+ is a delocalized process. This is analogous to the Ca2+/Na+/heparin system, despite the fact that the binding affinity of heparin for Ca2+ is stronger than that for Mg2+. By contrast, the interaction with La3+ is in excess of the theoretical predicted, which suggests that there is at least a partial site-binding of this counterion. In ca2+/~+/heparin systems in which M' = Na+ or K+, the selective binding preference of heparin for the univalent cations may be related to the order of their crystallographic ionic radii. A critical assessment is offered of the validity of this nmr spectroscopic approach to the study of counterion binding to heparin.PHOTIS DAIS, QIN-JI PENG et ARTHUR S. PERLIN. Can. J. Chem. 65, 1739 (1987). Faisant appel a la rmn du "C, on a ttudit les interactions entre 1'hCparine de poumon de bceuf et des ions Mg2+ et La3+, en prtsence d'ions sodium. Une analyse des dtplacements chimiques observts pour les carbones de l'unitt dissacharidique principale de l'htparine en faisant appel ? i la thtorie de condensation des contre-ions indique que l'association entre le polyanion de l'htparine et le Mg" est un processus dtlocalist. Ceci est analogue au systkme Ca2+/~a+/htparine, meme si l'affinitt de 1'hCparine pour le Ca2+ est plus forte que pour le Mg2+. Par ailleurs, l'interaction avec le La3+ est plus importante que celle prtvue sur une base thCorique; ceci suggere qu'il existe au moins un site de liaison partiel pour ce contre-ion. Dans les systkmes Ca2+/M+/hCparine, dans lesquels M+ = Na+ ou K+, on peut ttablir une correlation entre la liaison selective prtftrentielle pour les cations univalents et l'ordre de leurs rayons ioniques cristallographiques. On offre une Cvaluation critique de la validitt de cette approche par spectroscopie rmn pour ttudier la liaison de contre-ions avec l'htparine.[Traduit par la revue] Introduction In a previous study (l), the binding of calcium ions (Ca2+) by heparin in the presence of sodium ions was examined by monitoring 13C chemical shift displacements as a function of the calcium ion concentration and total ionic strength. The results (1) are consistent with the counterion condensation model (2-4), thereby indicating that the association between the heparin polyanion and calcium ions is a delocalized process, rather than one involving specific binding.We now report the results obtained for the interaction of beef lung heparin with magnesium (Mg2+) or lanthanum (La3+) ion, in the presence of sodium (and chloride) ions. Studies (5-8) on the binding of Mg2+ to heparin have shown that this cation interacts less strongly than Ca2+ and, in accord with the counterion condensation model, binds in ...