A carboxyl-containing nucleoside, 5-carboxymethyluridine, has been isolated from the transfer ribonucleates of bakers' yeast, brewers' yeast, and wheat embryo. The 2'-and 3'-nucleotides of 5-carboxymethyluridine were isolated from alkali hydrolysates of the purified transfer ribonucleate preparations. A phosphodiesterase hydrolysate of wheat embryo transfer ribonucleates was examined for the presence of 5-carboxymethyluridine 5'-phosphate, but none could be detected. However, after alkali treatment of the 5'-nucleotides produced by the action of phosphodiesterase on wheat embryo transfer ribonucleates, a compound having the properties of the 5'-nucleotide of 5-carboxyinethyluridine was isolated. This observation suggests A lkali hydrolysis of tRNA or rRNA releases nucleosides (N) and nucleoside 2'(3 '),5 '-bisphosphates (pNp) from chain termini, and nucleoside 2'(3 ')-monophosphates (Np) and alkali-stable dinucleotides (NmpNp)' from internal positions of the ribonucleate chains. By ion-exchange chromatography on DEAEcellulose columns, using urea-containing eluents (Tomlinson and Tener, 1963), these four types of product can be resolved from one another according to their different net charges at pH 7.8 (N, 0; Np, -2; NmpNp, -3; and pNp, -4). Stepwise elution with urea-containing eluents of increasing ionic strength cleanly resolves the