In combination with dramatic and immediate CO2 emissions reductions,
net-negative atmospheric CO2 removal (CDR) is necessary to maintain
average global temperature increases below 2.0 °C. Many proposed CDR
pathways involve the placement of vast quantities of organic carbon
(biomass) on the seafloor in some form, but little is known about their
potential biogeochemical impacts, especially at scales relevant for
global climate. Here, we evaluate the potential impacts and durability
of organic carbon storage specifically within deep anoxic basins, where
organic matter is remineralized through anaerobic processes that may
enhance its storage efficiency. We present simple biogeochemical and
mixing models to quantify the scale of potential impacts of large-scale
organic matter addition to the abyssal seafloor in the Black Sea,
Cariaco Basin, and the hypersaline Orca Basin. These calculations reveal
that the Black Sea in particular may have the potential to accept
biomass storage at climatically-relevant scales with moderate changes to
the geochemical state of abyssal water and limited communication of that
impact to surface water. Many key unknowns remain, including the
partitioning of breakdown among sulfate-reducing and methanogenic
metabolisms and the fate of methane in the environment, which can be
monitored in part via changes in alkalinity, DIC, and pH. Given the
urgency of responsible CDR development and the potential for anoxic
basins to reduce ecological risks to animal communities, efforts to
address knowledge gaps related to microbial kinetics, benthic processes,
and physical mixing in these systems are critically needed.