old girl with schizencephaly, shunted hydrocephalus, epilepsy, global developmental delay, diabetes insipidus, and spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy presented to her pediatrician 2 months prior to admission for redness, swelling, and pain of her right mid-back without fever for 3 weeks. Her examination was significant for a 3 × 5 cm area of erythema with tenderness and fluctuance below the right scapula (Figure 1). Due to concern for abscess, the pediatrician ordered a soft tissue ultrasound, which showed a 7 × 2 × 4.5 cm phlegmon but no drainable fluid collection. A 7-day course of Clindamycin 10 mg/kg/dose 3 times daily was prescribed with instructions to return to clinic after completion of the antibiotic course; however, the patient was lost to follow-up. Of note, her caregiver also reported a new cough with feeds at this visit for which a videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) was ordered and later showed silent aspiration of thin liquids for which thickener and speech therapy were prescribed but never started.The patient returned to clinic 2 days prior to admission for weight loss. Since her last visit, the lesion of her right upper back had undergone intermittent, spontaneous drainage of pus. Her caregiver reported continued intake of non-thickened liquids but a decline in interest for pureed solids. Her review of systems remained negative for fever, difficulty breathing, vomiting, history of aspiration pneumonia, and history of skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI). Her examination was significant for weight loss of 1.3 kg and an erythematous, fluctuant mass with central scab on the right upper back without active drainage. A repeat soft tissue ultrasound was performed and showed a 6.7 cm hypoechoic collection extending to the thoracic wall and deep to the level of the spinous processes. After discussion with Infectious Disease (ID) and General Surgery, an outpatient computed tomography (CT) spine with contrast was ordered to determine the extent of infection. Due to