Hemoptysis is a potentially life-threatening complication of various diseases. The most common causes are infectious and inflammatory processes, followed by neoplasms, pulmonary embolisms, mitral stenoses, coagulopathies, and multiple systemic disorders. Primary examinations include a chest x-ray, an angio CT and a bronchoscopy. Sometimes, a bronchial artery angiogram is required. The patient is at risk of suffocation because blood and clots can severely obstruct his airways. Thus, the most important measures are: supplemental oxygen, positioning the patient with the bleeding side down, bronchoscopical suctioning and removal of blood and clots. Coagulopathies have to be corrected. Application of vasoactive drugs may help temporarily. In cases of bleeding from central lesions, coagulation with laser or argon-plasma-coagulator is feasible. Heavy bleeding from the periphery requires a balloon or tube tamponade. Depending on the cause and the severity of the bleeding either anti-inflammatory medical treatment, hemostyptic radiation therapy, bronchial artery embolisation or a surgical procedure must follow.