The purpose of this study was to survey the directors of postdoctoral endodontic programs in the United States to ascertain their attitudes and approaches regarding incorporation of implants into the endodontic curriculum. We hypothesized that program directors would agree that implant training should be incorporated into the endodontic curriculum. We also hypothesized that they would all prefer apical surgeries and retreatment over implants when plausible. A twenty-item online survey was emailed to all ifty-two postdoctoral endodontic program directors in the United States. A 100 percent response was received. The results showed that 78.6 percent agreed that implant training should be incorporated, 85.7 percent preferred the didactic approach, and 42.9 percent preferred clinical implant training. One hundred percent preferred apical surgeries and retreatment over implants when plausible, and 53.8 percent did not prefer implants over endodontic treatment for teeth with a questionable prognosis. This survey indicates that implant training has been incorporated into postdoctoral endodontic programs and that the Commission on Dental Accreditation standards are being met. The trend may be to become more hands-on in the future if program directors believe there is a need to provide training in actual placement of implants.