Writing in Nature communications, Zhu and collaborators reported the development of a genetically encoded sensor for the detection of formaldehyde in cells and tissues. This tool has great potential to transform formaldehyde research; illuminating a cellular metabolite that has remained elusive in live structures. Formaldehyde, a ubiquitous and reactive metabolite Cells obtain energy and molecules required for sustaining life from multiple interconnected biochemical reactions known as metabolic pathways. These reactions can also generate additional reactive metabolites that might damage key biomolecules such as DNA and proteins. One toxic metabolite is formaldehyde (FA), the simplest and one of the most reactive aldehydes. FA is generated endogenously from vital pathways such as protein and nucleic acid demethylation, the one-carbon cycle and from the oxidative degradation of the one-carbon carrier tetrahydrofolate (THF) and some of its derivatives, among others 1. Dietary supplements like the sweetener aspartame or fruit juices rich in methyl-pectins can be metabolized to methanol, which is further oxidized to FA in the liver 2. Furthermore, pollution, cigarette smoke and certain chemicals are common environmental sources of FA, likely contributing to the~50 micromolar FA concentrations reported in human blood (Fig. 1a) 2,3. FA might be implicated in cancer development in patients carrying mutations in the tumour suppressor BRCA2, and in the onset of some human conditions such as Fanconi Anaemia. This rare genetic disorder originates from mutations in genes coding for factors that repair DNAinterstrand crosslinks, one of the lesions inflicted by FA on the DNA (Fig. 1a) 4,5. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes FA as an environmental human carcinogen, described to increase the risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer 6. Consequently, FA levels inside cells need to be strictly controlled by specific mechanisms that metabolize it into less reactive molecules, such as formate. Cytosolic FA metabolism initiates with the cellular antioxidant glutathione (GSH), which spontaneously reacts with FA producing S-hydroxymethyl-GSH (HSMGSH) 7. This compound is oxidized by the enzyme Alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5), thus keeping a lowstill unknownintracellular concentration of free FA, and limiting redox balance disruption by recycling GSH 7,8. Chasing in the gloom A few methods including colorimetric assays, chromatography and mass spectrometry have been developed to measure FA in biological samples. However, these techniques often require sample destruction and time-consuming sample preparation. Hence, the in vivo study of FA has remained limited due to the lack of tools that are able to detect its real-time concentration and location in a non-invasive manner. Recently, some small fluorescent chemical molecules have been developed to measure FA both in vitro and in living cells. For example, the Aza-Cope-based probes are highly sensitive and specific to FA; however, their reaction kinetics are slow and