Since the first endograft implantation for treatment of abdominal aneurysms the development of modern stentgrafts has progressed in many ways. In 1999 we started implantations using the PowerLink aortic stent graft by Endologix-company. The PowerLink aortic stent graft is a bifurcated, self-expanding, sutureless endovascular graft, covered with PTFE. This aortic stent graft facilitates the complete covering of the infrarenal aorta and the iliac arteries. The anatomical localization at the natural aortic bifurcation provides anti-gravitational supporting force, preventing distal migration of the device. From 1999 to 2005 we implanted 297 PowerLink aortic stent grafts. Our follow-up examinations showed a low rate of renal infarctions (3.0 %), a limb occlusion rate of 2.7 % and a total endoleakage rate of 16.8 %. Our conclusion is, that this is a very safe device for repair of abdominal aneurysms, associated with a low-risk of complications.