ver the last decade, as both assisted reproductive technologies and diagnostic imaging techniques have improved, a greater number of unusual pregnancies have been documented. Quadruplet pregnancies are no longer a rare event in busy perinatal centers. However, this case report is unusual because the quadruplet pregnancy consisted of a pair of dichorionic/ diamniotic twins, each in a horn of an anomalous uterus (septate-complete, with 2 cervices and an upper vaginal septum). Three-dimensional (3D) sonography was used to evaluate the location of the fetuses within the uterine horns. To our knowledge, no identical or similar case was reported in the literature, as reviewed by us in a PubMed search.
Case ReportA 32-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 0020, with a history of a uterus bicornis bicollis came to our unit at 10 weeks 3 days postmenstrually for evaluation of her multifetal pregnancy. This pregnancy was the result of ovulation induction with artificial intrauterine insemination. Her obstetric history was notable for 2 cervices and a small upper vaginal septum diagnosed clinically in 1996. A hysterosalpingogram revealed a uterus didelphys with the left uterine horn appearing larger than the right. In 1997, she had a naturally conceived pregnancy in the left uterine horn that resulted in a spontaneous abortion at 8 postmenstrual weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 2001 showed a complete uterine duplication consistent with a bicornis bicollis uterus. Subsequently in 2002, she had a pregnancy, also in the left side, as a result of artificial insemination, which resulted in a spontaneous abortion at 5 postmenstrual weeks.