We show that nuclear spin subsystems can be completely controlled via microwave irradiation of resolved anisotropic hyperfine interactions with a nearby electron spin. Such indirect addressing of the nuclear spins via coupling to an electron allows us to create nuclear spin gates whose operational time is significantly faster than conventional direct addressing methods. We experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of this method on a solid-state ensemble system consisting of one electron and one nuclear spin.Coherent control of quantum systems promises optimal computation [1], secure communication [2], and new insight into the fundamental physics of many-body problems [3]. Solid-state proposals [4,5,6,7,8] for such quantum information processors employ isolated spin degrees of freedom which provide Hilbert spaces with long coherence times. Here we show how to exploit a local, isolated electron spin to coherently control nuclear spins. Moreover, we suggest that this approach provides a fast and reliable means of controlling nuclear spins and enables the electron spins of such solid-state systems to be used for state preparation and readout [9] of nuclear spin states, and additionally as a spin actuator for mediating nuclear-nuclear spin gates.Model System. The spin Hamiltonian of a single local electron spin with angular momentum, S = 1 2 and N nuclear spins, each with angular momentum I k = 1 2 , in the presence of a magnetic field B is [10]:Here β e is the Bohr magneton, γ k n is the gyromagnetic ratio;Ŝ andÎ k are the spin-1 2 operators. The secondrank tensors g, A k , δ, and D kl represent the electron gfactor, the hyperfine interaction, the chemical shift, and the nuclear dipole-dipole interaction respectively.In the regime where the static magnetic field B = B 0ẑ provides a good quantization axis for the electron spin, the Hamiltonian can be simplified by dropping the nonsecular terms which corresponds to keeping only electron interactions involving S z . The quantization axis of any nuclear spin depends on the magnitudes of the hyperfine interaction and the main magnetic field, as well as their relative orientations. When these two fields are comparable in magnitude [37] H 0 can be approximated by: (2) with N=1. The electron spin state is in an eigenstate of purely the Zeeman interaction, while the nuclear spin state is not an eigenfunction of the Zeeman interaction alone due to the anisotropic hyperfine interaction. Because α0|β1 = 0 and α0|β0 = 0 the electron spin operator (Ŝx) has finite probabilities between all levels (dashed arrows). This allows for universal control of the entire spin system. The filled and unfilled circles represent the relative spin state populations of the ensemble at thermal equilibrium. In our experimental setup the energy differences are ω12/2π = 7.8 MHz, ω34/2π = 40 MHz, ω14/2π = 12.005 GHz, ω23/2π = 11.954GHzThe nuclear dipole-dipole interaction is neglected as it is typically 10 2 times weaker than the hyperfine terms.As described in Figure 1 (N=1), the nuclear spin is qu...