Argon plasma ablation of extensive Barrett esophagus. Experience in 19 patientsBackground: Endoscopic argon plasma ablation of Barrett esophagus decreases the risk of future esophageal cancer development. aim: To assess the endoscopic regression of columnar epithelium and the presence of intestinal metaplasia among patients operated for Barrett esophagus and subjected to argon plasma ablation. Patients and methods: In 19 patients with extensive Barrett esophagus subjected to a nissen fundoplication, Barrett esophagus was endoscopically ablated with argon plasma. Patients were assessed 6 and 12 months after surgery to evaluate the regression of columnar epithelium and the presence of intestinal metaplasia. results: One, two and three ablation sessions were carried out in 10, three and six patients, respectively. Three patients had complications. The initial length of columnar epithelium segment was 52 ± 15.6 mm and decreased to 22.6 ± 10.6 mm (p < 0.05). In 12 patients, there was absence of intestinal metaplasia on follow up, in six it persisted (one of them with "buried cells") and in one patient, dysplasia appeared. conclusions: Endoscopic argon plasma ablation may have a complementary therapeutic role for the regression of columnar epithelium in Barrett esophagus.