“…As a result of this increased awareness, multiple surgical approaches directed at the BOT level have been described. These techniques included mandibulotomy with genioglossus advancement [41], hyoid advancement [43], Repose ® tongue suspension [63], radiofrequency base of tongue reduction (RFBOT) [64], submuco-sal minimally invasive lingual excision (SMILE) [34], coblation-assisted lingual tonsillectomy [31,44], midline laser glossectomy [13], maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) [42], and implanted upper airway stimulation device [52]. Reports of surgical effectiveness of these procedures vary widely in the literature and are diffi cult to interpret due to the wide variety of diagnostic and surgical procedures employed, the complexity and uniqueness of the upper airway in individual patients, as well as the varying experience of the reporting surgeons [6,47].…”