Evaluation of various methods of biliary enteric anastomosis in benign biliary diseases (BBD).A surgeon operating for BBD needs to improve the internal drainage of bile to prevent stasis and its backpressure effects. This is best obtained by biliary enteric anastomosis. A total of 121 cases of biliary enteric anastomosis in BBD were included in this study. The postoperative course and long-term outcome were studied prospectively. In the choledochoduodenostomy group, there were no leaks, no restrictures, and no mortality. Five (10.41 %) patients had cholangitis attacks and 2 (4.17 %) patients had sump syndrome. The choledochojejunostomy group had no leaks, no restrictures. Two (7.14 %) patients had repeated cholangitis and 2 (7.14 %) patients had sump syndrome, no mortality. The hepaticojejunostomy group had 3 cases of anastomotic leak of which 2 healed spontaneously and 1 needed resurgery. There was restricture in 2 cases, in which resurgery was successful-one death, no cholangiocarcinoma. Biliary enteric anastomosis is a safe and effective method for the management of BBD. The method should be selected according to the disease pathology and patient characteristics.