CONTEXT: Ureteral fibroepithelial polyps are rare benign nonepithelial tumors, and less than 200 cases have been reported in the literature. We report on a pregnant patient with ureteral fibroepithelial polyps that were successfully treated with laparotomy.
CASE REPORT:A 23-year-old pregnant woman presented with a three-month history of intermittent lumbar pain of low intensity. Abdominal ultrasonography showed that she was 13 weeks pregnant and found severe left-side ureterohydronephrosis and a heterogeneous solid mass measuring 11 x 8 x 7 centimeters in the middle portion of the ureteral topography. The investigation was complemented with magnetic resonance imaging, which confirmed the previous findings. Nephroureterectomy was performed without complications. The specimen revealed three solid tumors in the ureter, of which the largest was around eight centimeters in length. The anatomopathological report confirmed that they were fibroepithelial tumors without malignant components.
RESUMOCONTEXTO: Pólipos fibroepiteliais de ureter são tumores não-epiteliais benignos raros, e menos de 200 casos foram relatados na literatura. Nós reportamos o caso de uma mulher grávida com pólipos fibroelitelial ureteral que foram tratados com sucesso por laparotomia.
RELATO DE CASO:Mulher de 23 anos de idade, grávida, apresentava história de dor lombar intermitente de baixa intensidade há três meses. Ultrasonografia abdominal revelou gravidez de 13 semanas, ureterohidronefrose grave à esquerda e massa sólida heterogênea medindo 11 x 8 x 7 cm na porção média da topografia ureteral. A investigação foi complementada com ressonância magnética, que confirmou os achados. Foi realizada nefroureterectomia sem complicações. A peça revelou três tumores sólidos em ureter, o maior apresentando aproximadamente oito centímetros longitudinalmente. O relatório anatomopatológico confirmou tumor fibroepitelial sem componentes de malignidade.
KEY WORDS:Laparotomy.Neoplasms.Pregnant women.Ureter.Urology.