Abstract-Primary aldosteronism (PA) has been associated with cardiovascular hypertrophy and fibrosis, in part independent of the blood pressure level, but deleterious effects on the kidneys are less clear. Likewise, it remains unknown if the kidney can be diversely involved in PA caused by aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) and idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA). Hence, in the Primary Aldosteronism Prevalence in Italy (PAPY) Study, a prospective survey of newly diagnosed consecutive patients referred to hypertension centers nationwide, we sought signs of renal damage in patients with PA and in comparable patients with primary hypertension (PH). Patients (nϭ1180) underwent a predefined screening protocol followed by tests for confirming PA and identifying the underlying adrenocortical pathology. Renal damage was assessed by 24-hour urine albumin excretion (UAE) rate and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). UAE rate was measured in 490 patients; all had a normal GFR. Of them, 31 (6.4%) had APA, 33 (6.7%) had IHA, and the rest (86.9%) had PH. UAE rate was predicted (PϽ0.001) by body mass index, age, urinary Na ϩ excretion, serum K ϩ , and mean blood pressure. Covariate-adjusted UAE rate was significantly higher in APA and IHA than in PH patients; there were more patients with microalbuminuria in the APA and IHA than in the PH group (Pϭ0.007). Among the hypertensive patients with a preserved GFR, those with APA or IHA have a higher UAE rate than comparable PH patients. Thus, hypertension because of excess autonomous aldosterone secretion features an early and more prominent renal damage than PH. Key Words: hypertension, endocrine Ⅲ aldosterone Ⅲ mineralocorticoids Ⅲ kidney Ⅲ hypertrophy Ⅲ adrenal gland T he results of large intervention trials 1,2 and cross-sectional studies (reviewed by Rossi et al 3 ) have recently refueled the interest on the deleterious cardiovascular effects of excess aldosterone. Moreover, growing evidence 4 indicates that primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common cause of secondary hypertension: in the Primary Aldosteronism Prevalence in Italy (PAPY) study, a prospective survey of 1180 consecutive newly diagnosed hypertensive patients referred to specialized hypertension centers, aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) and idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) were found in 4.8% and 6.4% of all patients, respectively, thus leading to an overall prevalence of PA of Ϸ11%. 5 It has been contended that this form of secondary hypertension is relatively "benign," that is, devoid of cardiovascular complications, because of the suppression of the renin-angiotensin system, which plays a substantial role in cardiovascular remodeling and damage. 6,7 This view has, however, been challenged by recent data. 3,8 PA has in fact been associated with widespread tissue fibrosis, 9 vascular remodeling, 10 and excess prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction 11 that were corrected by adrenalectomy. 12 A higher incidence of cardiovascular complications, including atrial fibrillation, has also been...