The content of endotoxin, gram negative bacteria (GNB), gram positive bacteria (GPB) and fungi was determined for 296 classers' raw cottons derived from various U.S.A. growing areas in 1980. Levels of endotoxin varied from 0.01 to 83 ng per mg of raw cotton, while GNB counts covered the range from 5 to 2.3 X 105 colony forming units per mg. Tinged and spotted color groups contained higher levels of endotoxin than white grades. Significant differences between geographical regions were observed in the content of each microbial contaminant entrained in raw cotton.The Southwest and Southeast growing regions were characterized by raw cottons with the highest endotoxin levels. In general, Southwest raw cotton had the highest counts of GNB, GPB, and fungi, whereas cotton from the Farwest contained the lowest numbers of these same microorganisms.In previous studies we indicated that classers' samples of raw cotton contained amounts of endotoxin varying from 0.08 to about 500 ng per mg of lint [4,10]. A number of grading parameters including micronaire, maturity, fineness, upper half mean (UHM) length, length uniformity, strength, and yellowness were found to be related significantly to raw cotton endotoxin levels [ 10]. Significant differences between endotoxin level of raw cottons from separate geographical regions were not found but the number of . samples compared (between 14 and 39 for each region) was limited. In our previous studies of classers' cottons we observed wide differences in contents of gram positive bacteria (GPB) and fungi; however, we did not attempt to estimate possible regional variations.Gram negative bacteria (GNB) and their endotoxins are important components of the spectrum of agents in cotton dust that may cause adverse health effects . in man. Caminita et ale [2] reported that endotoxin present in cotton probably causes mill fever in both the textile and nontextile cotton industries. Byssinosis prevalence by questionnaire can also be related to numbers of GNB present in workroom air [3] and FEV, decrements in some mill populations are best related to an index of exposure incorporating measurements of both respirable cotton dust and the amount of GNB entrained in raw cotton being processed [ 12].We undertook the current study to quantify the amount of microbial material found in various grades of 1980 American upland cotton. Objectives of this study were also to determine if fiber and classing parameters of raw cottons are correlated with entrained endotoxin levels and if cottons from the five major at UQ Library on June 15, 2015 Downloaded from