Aortic conduit pseudoaneurysms are rare complications of surgical aortic root replacements. These complications are typically treated with a redo-sternotomy, but these surgeries carry high mortality rates, and patients may not always be good surgical candidates. There have been a few reported cases where aortic pseudoaneurysms have been successfully treated percutaneously with both short- and long-term success. We describe a case were a sub-annular aortic root pseudoaneurysm was closed using an Amplatzer Vascular Plug 2 device.
Case summary
A 68-year-old man was admitted to the hospital 6 weeks after surgical aortic valve and aortic root replacement undergone for prosthetic valve endocarditis. On computed tomography, he was found to have a large fluid collection with extravasation into a false lumen located on the right side of the ascending aorta. Diagnostic catheterization confirmed flow into the pseudoaneurysm cavity from a sub-annular location. This defect was then closed using an Amplatzer Vascular Plug 2 device, with no residual flow or concern for re-opening at 8 months follow-up.
This case presents the first documented use of an Amplatzer Vascular Plug 2 to close an aortic root pseudoaneurysm in the sub-annular location. Heart team discussion is crucial in determining whether surgical or percutaneous treatment management should be performed. This case highlights a novel treatment method for sub-annular aortic root pseudoaneurysms which can be considered an alternative to surgery and potentially life-saving for high-risk patients.