Background: Heavy charged particles after nuclear muon capture are an important nuclear physics background to the muon-to-electron conversion experiments Mu2e and COMET, which will search for charged lepton flavor violation at an unprecedented level of sensitivity. Purpose: The AlCap experiment aimed to measure the yield and energy spectra of protons, deuterons, tritons, and α particles emitted after the nuclear capture of muons stopped in Al, Si, and Ti in the low-energy range relevant for the muon-to-electron conversion experiments. Methods: Individual charged particle types were identified in layered silicon detector packages and their initial energy distributions were unfolded from the observed energy spectra. Results: The proton yields per muon capture were determined as Y p (Al) = 26.64(28 stat.)(77 syst.) × 10 −3 and Y p (Ti) = 26.48(35)(80) × 10 −3 in the energy range 3.5-20.0 MeV, and as Y p (Si) = 52.5(6)(18) × 10 −3 in the energy range 4.0-20.0 MeV. Detailed information on yields and energy spectra for all observed nuclei are presented in the paper. Conclusions: The yields in the candidate muon stopping targets, Al and Ti, are approximately half of that in Si, which was used in the past to estimate this background. The reduced background allows for less shielding and a better energy resolution in these experiments. It is anticipated that the comprehensive information presented in this paper will stimulate modern theoretical calculations of the rare process of muon capture with charged particle emission and inform the design of future muon-to-electron conversion experiments.