Properties of energetic compounds obtained by linking energetic pyrazoles to tetrazoles by meanso fNmethylene-C bridges can be fine-tuned.R eactions of pyrazole derivatives with chloroacetonitrile followed by conversion of the cyano group to tetrazole using click reactions in the presence of zinc chloride result in asymmetric N-methylene-C bridged azole-based energetic compounds. All the compounds were thoroughly characterized by IR and NMR [ 1 H, 13 C{ 1 H}, 15 N]s pectroscopy,e lemental analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and for two compounds,f urther supported by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies.H eats of formation and detonation performances were calculated using Gaussian 03 and EXPLO5 v6.01 programs, respectively.I nitial studies show that this new approach is promisingf or synthesizing less sensitivee nergetic compoundsw ith finetuned properties.Chemistry of high-energy density materials (HEDMs) emphasizes pushing the limits of the energy contento fc ompounds, while maintaining minimal safety and environmental concerns.[1] One of the most commonly used explosives, RDX (1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane), in addition to being sensitive to physical stimuli,i sapotentialc arcinogen and is toxic because of the presence of the nitramine moiety.[2] Synthesis of new energetic materials with performance similar or surpassing that of RDX, while tailoring them for high personal and environmental safety,i sarecurring and interesting problem for chemists and materials scientists. [3][4][5] Unlike traditional energetic materials, such as TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) and RDX, which derive most of their power from the oxidation of the carbon backbone, many modern energetic compounds are based on nitrogen-rich heterocycles.[1] The presence of energetic NÀNa nd CÀNb onds in these materials support high performance because of large positive heats of formation and high densities. However,h igh performance and low sensitivity are often mutually exclusive. This is easily demonstrated with five-membered azoles, movingf rom pyrazoleto pentazole, as energetic performance increases, the stability concomitantly decreases.[6] Therefore, properb lending of differenth eterocyclic rings appears to be ap romising approach to reach ab alance between the energetic and physical properties of energetic compounds. It is seen that different types of azole rings have different properties, for example nitropyrazoles have good oxygen balance, high thermal stability,a nd low sensitivity,w hereas tetrazole-based compounds have high positive heats of formationa nd high nitrogen content. [7,8] Recently,w eh ave demonstrated the impact of fine tuning of energetic properties through bridging trinitropyrazoles and aminotetrazoles via N,N'-ethylene links.[9] Ethylene-bridged compounds have been found to be lesss ensitive, butt hey are often less energetic. However,m ethylene-bridged compounds are less explored, in part because of the greater difficulty in synthesis, and the lack of asuitable approachtobond diffe...