We experimentally observe long-wavelength dispersive waves generation in a BBO crystal. A soliton was formed in normal GVD regime of the crystal by a self-defocusing and negative nonlinearity through phase-mismatched quatradic interaction. Strong temporal pulse compression confirmed the formation of soliton during the pulse propagation inside the crystal. Significant dispersive wave radiation was measured in the anomalous GVD regime of the BBO crystal. With the pump wavelengths from 1.24 to 1.4 µm, tunable dispersive waves are generated around 1.9 to 2.2 µm. The observed dispersive wave generation is well understood by simulations.
OCIS codes:(320. Fiber-based dispersive wave (DW) induced by solitons has been intensively investigated. It plays an essential role in fiber supercontiuum generation [1,2]. New spectral components on either the short-wavelength side or the long-wavelength side of the pump wavelength are possible by this technique with proper fiber dispersion control [3][4][5][6][7][8]. The normally small core size of the fiber, however, limits the propagating pulse energy; especially when generating DW in the long-wavelength side of the pump and multiple zero-dispersion wavelengths (ZDWs) are needed. The direct use of bulk nonlinear materials is promising for high pump energy. Most bulk nonlinear materials have normal group velocity dispersion (GVD) in the near-infrared (NIR) pump wavelength; therefore, when a conventional Kerr (self-focusing and positive) nonlinearity is employed, the study of DW generation easily falls into another dilemma: filamentation likely kicks in. Which complicates the whole process, and greatly impedes its application [9][10][11].A negative (self-defocusing) nonlinearity, e.g. the one available from a phase-mismatched quadratic process, could open a new window for DW research for the mostly used NIR pump wavelengths. The flipped sign of nonlinearity means that instead of filamentations, the generation of soliton is possible in the normal GVD regime of the bulk material in the NIR; which will then be able to stimulate efficient DW emission in the anomalous GVD regime (longer wavelength) of the crystal. Furthermore, much higher pulse energy could be supported due to * moba@fotonik.dtu.dk the absence of filamentation. The excitation and utilization of NIR soliton in the normal GVD regime by the phase-mismatched quadratic process have been reported in various nonlinear crystals [12][13][14][15][16]; especially in the most frequently used BBO crystal, by which soliton compression down to few optical cycle has been realized [14]. However, despite the success of exciting selfdefocusing temporal soliton in the BBO crystal, and the numerical prediction of the existence of such a DW emission [17], the formation of DW emission in the anomalous GVD regime of this crystal has so far never been observed experimentally. It was only recently observed directly for the first time in cascaded nonlinear media [18]: The strong few-cycle near-IR self-defocusing soliton self-compression observed i...