[1] Global images of the proton aurora taken with the SI-12 camera onboard the IMAGE satellite reveal a very direct relationship between the solar wind dynamic pressure and the intensity of the global proton aurora. We show that an increase in dynamic pressure leads to an immediate and persistent increase in proton precipitation, also when the increase is slow. When the dynamic pressure decreases, the proton aurora diminishes. Five events during geomagnetic quiet times, with mostly northward IMF, have been selected in order to characterize the proton aurora caused exclusively by high dynamic pressure and establish important criteria that the dynamic pressure-induced precipitation mechanism(s) must satisfy. We also present measurements during southward IMF and show that the combined effect of high solar wind dynamic pressure and southward IMF produces intense global proton aurora. Some of the characteristics are: (1) The aurora is global, with peak intensities at midnight and flanks. (2) A dawn/dusk asymmetry shows that the precipitation originates from magnetospheric protons that have undergone gradient/curvature drift. (3) The time delay between ground magnetic signatures of a change in the solar wind dynamic pressure and a change in global proton aurora is short (À2 minutes). Our observations indicate that the precipitation mechanism(s) behind the proton aurora during high dynamic pressure is directly connected to the compression of the magnetosphere, both at the flanks and nightside.Citation: Laundal, K. M., and N. Østgaard (2008), Persistent global proton aurora caused by high solar wind dynamic pressure,