The peptide editor HLA-DM (DM) mediates exchange of peptides bound to major histocompatibility (MHC) class II molecules during antigen processing; however, the mechanism by which DM displaces peptides remains unclear. Here we generated a soluble mutant HLA-DR1 with a histidine-to-asparagine substitution at position 81 of the β-chain (DR1βH81N) to perturb an important hydrogen bond between MHC class II and peptide. Peptide-DR1βH81N complexes dissociated at rates similar to the dissociation rates of DM-induced peptide-wild-type DR1, and DM did not enhance the dissociation of peptide-DR1βH81N complexes. Reintroduction of an appropriate hydrogen bond (DR1βH81N βV85H) restored DM-mediated peptide dissociation. Thus, DR1βH81N might represent a `post-DM effect' conformation. We suggest that DM may mediate peptide dissociation by a `hit-and-run' mechanism that results in conformational changes in MHC class II molecules and disruption of hydrogen bonds between βHis81 and bound peptide.Shortly after being synthesized in the antigen-presenting cell, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II αβ heterodimers form nonameric assemblies with invariant chain (Ii) in the endoplasmic reticulum and are then transported through the Golgi complex to the endocytic pathway 1, 2. During transport through the endocytic pathway, most Ii is removed from MHC class II molecules by low pH and acid proteases3, leaving a proteolytic fragment of Ii called `CLIP' bound to MHC class II molecule4. CLIP acts as a `placeholder' for the MHC class II groove, inhibiting conformational changes that render the groove closed5 -13 , and it must be removed to allow binding of exogenous peptides to nascent MHC class II complexes. Human HLA-DM (called `DM' here), or H2-M in mice, is a nonclassical HLA molecule that is critical in the displacement of CLIP 14-17. In addition to displacing CLIP, DM transiently interacts with empty MHC class II molecules to generate a peptide-receptive conformation and is active in the selection of specific peptide-MHC class II complexes during antigen processing18 -26. The two concurrent hypotheses for the recognition of certain peptide-MHC class II by DM relate to the intrinsic affinity between MHC class II © 2006 Nature Publishing Group Correspondence should be addressed to S.S-N ( 4 These authors contributed equally to this work.Note: Supplementary information is available on the Nature Immunology website.
COMPETING INTERESTS STATEMENTThe authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
NIH Public Access Author ManuscriptNat Immunol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 January 12.
NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript and the peptide 22,27,28 or to subtle structural variations among different peptide-MHC complexes 25,[29][30][31][32] , whereby structurally flexible complexes are susceptible to DM-induced dissociation, and `rigid' complexes are resistant to DM 25 . Although those studies may have brought greater understanding of the crite...