A quantum system which can store energy, and from which one can extract useful work, is known as a quantum battery. Such a device raises interesting issues surrounding how quantum physics can provide certain advantages in the charging, energy storage, or discharging of the quantum battery as compared to their classical equivalents. However, the pernicious effect of dissipation degrades the performance of any realistic battery. Here, we show how one can circumvent this problem of energy loss by proposing a quantum battery model which benefits from quantum squeezing. Namely, charging the battery quadratically with a short temporal pulse induces a hyperbolic enhancement in the stored energy, such that the dissipation present becomes essentially negligible in comparison. Furthermore, we show that when the driving is strong enough, the useful work which can be extracted from the quantum battery, that is the ergotropy, is exactly equal to the stored energy. These impressive properties imply a highly efficient quantum energetic device with abundant amounts of ergotropy. Our theoretical results suggest a possible route to realizing high-performance quantum batteries, which could be realized in a variety of platforms exploiting quantum continuous variables.
Published by the American Physical Society