Powder metallurgy is a widely used technology to produce metal and composite components, respectively. This technology has a high efficiency in terms of material and offers the possibility to produce materials which cannot be formed by conventional techniques. In the field of metal matrix composites, hard metals are well-known examples. Other metal matrix composite materials offer high strength, wear resistance, and/or stiffness values combined with significant ductility or toughness, respectively.Most composite materials are based on light metal matrices as aluminum or titanium. However, iron-based composites have drawn only limited attention until now. Nevertheless, some examples of steel-based composite materials are presented in literature with high wear resistance or strength, respectively. [1][2][3][4][5] In the last decade several scientists have investigated different composite materials and micro-and macrostructure designs according to their ''crashworthiness.'' [6,7] Crashworthiness is the absorption of mechanical energy through controlled failure mechanisms and modes that enable a defined load profile during energy absorption. The specific energy absorption (SEA) per unit mass, the SEA per unit volume as well as the interlaminar fracture toughness as a ratio of the fracture toughness parameter to the Young's modulus are expressions in terms of the crashworthiness.In the present study, a novel composite material is suggested, composed of a metastable austenitic stainless steel as matrix which shows the so-called transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) effect. This TRIP effect yields high strain hardening and high ductility due to the deformation-induced formation of martensite. [8][9][10][11][12] As reinforcing phase, we suggest MgO partially stabilized zirconia (Mg-PSZ), which also shows a martensitic phase transformation from the tetragonal to the monoclinic crystal structure during deformation and/or temperature changes. [13][14][15] The transformation of Mg-PSZ provides a high shear and volume expansion, thus increasing the TRIP-effect of the steel.In terms of this work the ceramic extrusion technology, i.e., a plastic forming process at room temperature has been applied in order to produce cellular honeycomb structures based on MgO partially stabilized zirconia (Mg-PSZ) reinforced austenitic TRIP-steel matrix composites. [16,17] Compact COMMUNICATION Novel composites on basis of austenitic stainless TRIP-steel as matrix with reinforcements of Mg-PSZ are presented. Compact rods were produced by cold isostatic pressing and sintering, square honeycomb samples by the ceramic extrusion technique. The samples are characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy before and after deformation, showing the microstructure and the deformationinduced martensite formation. The mechanical properties of samples with 5 vol% zirconia are superior compared to zirconia-free samples and composites with higher zirconia contents in terms of bending and compression tests. The honeycomb samples exhibit extraordin...