We find that electron states at the bottom of the conduction bands of covalent semiconductors are distributed mainly in the interstitial channels and that this floating nature leads to the band-gap variation and the anisotropic effective masses in various polytypes of SiC. We find that the channel length, rather than the hexagonality prevailed in the past, is the decisive factor for the band-gap variation in the polytypes. We also find that the floating nature causes two-dimensional electron and hole systems at the interface of different SiC polytypes and even one-dimensional channels near the inclined SiC surface.Most semiconductors, elemental or compound, have the four-fold coordinated tetrahedral structure caused by the hybridization of atomic orbitals. It is written in textbooks [1] that the resultant hybridized sp 3 bonding orbitals constitute valence bands, whereas the anti-bonding counter parts do conduction bands. This is not necessarily true, however: We have recently found that the wavefunctions of the conduction-band minima (CBM) of the semiconductors are distributed not near atomic sites but in the interstitial channels [2], as shown in Fig. 1. The wave-functions float in the internal space, i.e., the channels, inherent to the sp 3 -bonded materials.Another structural characteristic in the semiconductor is the stacking of atomic bilayers along the bond axis direction such as AB (wurtzite) or ABC (diamond or zincblende). The different stacking sequence leads to the different polytype [6] generally labeled by the periodicity of the sequence n and its symmetry, hexagonal (H) or cubic (C), as in 2H(AB), 3C(ABC), 4H(ABCB) and so on. These differences in the stacking sequence have been assumed to be minor in the electronic properties. However, the sequence determines the lengths and the directions of the interstitial channels, hereby affecting the shapes of the wave-functions of CBMs. The internal space overlooked in the past may be closely related to the electronic properties of the semiconductors, that we discuss in this Letter.Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising material in power electronics due to its superior properties which are suitable to the operations under harsh environment [7]. From science viewpoints, SiC is a manifestation of the polytypes explained above: Dozens of polytypes of SiC are observed and the band gaps vary by 40 %, from 2.3 eV in 3C to 3.3 eV in 2H despite that the structures are locally identical to each other in the polytypes [8]. This mysterious band-gap variation has been discussed in terms of an empirical quantity, hexagonality [9], for a half century: A bilayer sandwiched by the two same stacking indexes, as in 2H structure, is called a hexagonal layer and the ratio of the hexagonal layers in whole stacking sequence is called hexagonality; the band-gap variation in the poly- [2,5] types is argued to be linear with respect to the hexagonality. Yet, the linearity is not satisfactory (see below) and moreover the underlying physics is totally lacking.In this Letter, we find, o...