The work aim was the choice of technology that provides the possibility of destruction of various construction objects without the creation of shock, seismic waves, fragmentation, dust formation, concomitant detonation crushing with minimal emission of harmful substances. Preparation of the gas-chemical cartridges containing carbon nanomaterials was the result of researches. The composition of the non-explosive destructive mixture based on materials of Kazakhstan origin developing expansion force in a closed volume up to 30 MPa is developed. A composition of a fast-hardening mixture having a hardening rate of 8 MPa/h is created. The maximum level of strength of cement stone non-explosive breaking mixture for 30 min. hardening reaches 23 MPa. The hardening time of fast-hardening mixtures with a non-explosive breaking mixture was 15-20 min. In the case of using gas-chemical cartridges of the developed composition, the role of the carbon nanomaterial in it was determined by the low combustion rates of the composition and, very importantly, by slow ignition (the combustion of a single cartridge lasts up to 0.3 s under blasthole conditions). As a result of the carried out researches, it was found out that the range of scattering of splinters of concrete will depend on the amount of gas-generator composition, of its chemical composition and the burning rate. The developed technologies allow carrying out sparing blasting during the destruction of concrete brick structures in conditions of the dense building.