Thermal states are the bedrock of statistical physics. Nevertheless, when and how they actually arise in closed quantum systems is not fully understood. We consider this question for systems with local Hamiltonians on finite quantum lattices. In a first step, we show that states with exponentially decaying correlations equilibrate after a quantum quench. Then, we show that the equilibrium state is locally equivalent to a thermal state, provided that the free energy of the equilibrium state is sufficiently small and the thermal state has exponentially decaying correlations. As an application, we look at a related important question: When are thermal states stable against noise? In other words, if we locally disturb a closed quantum system in a thermal state, will it return to thermal equilibrium? We rigorously show that this occurs when the correlations in the thermal state are exponentially decaying. All our results come with finite-size bounds, which are crucial for the growing field of quantum thermodynamics and other physical applications. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.140601 To understand the strengths and limitations of statistical physics, it makes sense to derive it from physical principles, without ad hoc assumptions. Along these lines, over the past twenty years, ideas from quantum information have given new insights into the foundations of statistical physics [1][2][3]. In particular, some progress was made towards understanding how and when thermalization occurs [4][5][6]. A large class of states of systems with weak intensive interactions (e.g., one dimensional systems) were shown to thermalize [5]. In [6], thermalization was also proved for a large class of states, in the thermodynamic limit. (We will compare the results of [6] to our results in detail below.) More recently, the equivalence of the microcanonical and canonical ensemble (i.e., thermal state) was proved for finite quantum lattice systems, when correlations in the thermal state decay sufficiently quickly [7] (see, also, [6,8]).Here, we prove thermalization results for closed quantum systems in two parts. First, we build upon previous equilibration results (e.g., Refs. [9,10]). A requirement for equilibration is that the effective dimension, defined below, is large. While there are physical arguments for this in some cases [11] (and it is true for most states drawn from the Haar measure on large subspaces [10]), there are no techniques for deciding whether a given initial state will equilibrate under a given Hamiltonian. Here, we prove that a large effective dimension is guaranteed for local Hamiltonian systems if the correlations in the initial state decay sufficiently quickly and the energy variance is sufficiently large. The latter is known for thermal states with intensive specific heat capacity and may, for large classes of states, be computed straightforwardly. The second part of thermalization is to show that the equilibrium state is locally indistinguishable from a thermal state. We prove that this occurs if the correlations in...