Optimizing the dynamic response of mechanical systems is often a necessary step during the early stages of product development cycle. This is a complex problem that requires to carry out the sensitivity analysis of the system dynamics equations if gradient-based optimization tools are used. These dynamics equations are often expressed as a highly nonlinear system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) or Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs), if a dependent set of generalized coordinates with its corresponding kinematic constraints is used to describe the motion. Two main techniques are currently available to perform the sensitivity analysis of a multibody system, namely the direct differentiation and the adjoint variable methods.In this paper, we derive the equations that correspond to the direct sensitivity analysis of the index-3 augmented Lagrangian formulation with velocity and acceleration projections. Mechanical systems with both holonomic and nonholonomic constraints are considered. The evaluation of the system sensitivities requires the solution of a Tangent Linear Model (TLM) that corresponds to the Newton-Raphson iterative solution of the dynamics at configuration level, plus two additional nonlinear systems of equations for the velocity and acceleration projections. The method was validated in the sensitivity analysis of a set of examples, including a five-bar linkage with spring elements, which had been used in the literature as 1 D. Dopico et al.benchmark problem for similar multibody dynamics formulations, a point-mass system subjected to nonholonomic constraints, and a full-scale vehicle model.