The major facilitator
superfamily (MFS) is the largest known superfamily
of secondary active transporters. MFS transporters are responsible
for transporting a broad spectrum of substrates, either down their
concentration gradient or uphill using the energy stored in the electrochemical
gradients. Over the last 10 years, more than a hundred different MFS
transporter structures covering close to 40 members have provided
an atomic framework for piecing together the molecular basis of their
transport cycles. Here, we summarize the remarkable promiscuity of
MFS members in terms of substrate recognition and proton coupling
as well as the intricate gating mechanisms undergone in achieving
substrate translocation. We outline studies that show how residues
far from the substrate binding site can be just as important for fine-tuning
substrate recognition and specificity as those residues directly coordinating
the substrate, and how a number of MFS transporters have evolved to
form unique complexes with chaperone and signaling functions. Through
a deeper mechanistic description of glucose (GLUT) transporters and
multidrug resistance (MDR) antiporters, we outline novel refinements
to the rocker-switch alternating-access model, such as a latch mechanism
for proton-coupled monosaccharide transport. We emphasize that a full
understanding of transport requires an elucidation of MFS transporter
dynamics, energy landscapes, and the determination of how rate transitions
are modulated by lipids.