A fast and multipurpose energy decomposition analysis (EDA) program, called XEDA, is introduced for quantitative analysis of intermolecular interactions. This program contains a series of variational EDA methods, including LMO-EDA, GKS-EDA and their extensions, to analyze non-covalent interactions and strong chemical bonds in various environments. XEDA is highly efficient with a similar computational scaling of single point energy calculations. Its efficiency and universality are validated by a series of test examples including van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, radical-radical interactions and strong covalent bonds.
| INTRODUCTIONEnergy decomposition analysis (EDA) methods have been widely used for the quantitative analysis of intermolecular interactions based on quantum mechanical calculations. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] They divide total interaction energies of molecular systems into several physically meaningful components to explore the physical origin of intermolecular interactions. Over the past decades, lots of EDA methods have been proposed, which can be classified into three groups, perturbation EDA methods, 4-8 variational EDA methods, 9-34 and real-space EDA methods. [35][36][37] In 2009, a variational EDA method, named localized molecular orbitals-based EDA (LMO-EDA) was proposed by one of the present authors and coworker. 22 LMO-EDA can be used for exploring different weak and strong interactions by using Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals. To consider various interactions in complex systems, following LMO-EDA, 22 energy decomposition analysis with polarizable continuum model (EDA-PCM), 24 generalized Kohn-Sham energy decomposition analysis (GKS-EDA), 25 and their extensions, have been proposed in the last decade. EDA-PCM was developed for intermolecular interactions in the solvated environments. GKS-EDA is an improved version of LMO-EDA, overcoming some shortcomings when KS orbitals are applied.Recently, a new extension of GKS-EDA, named GKS-EDA(BS), 33 was presented for intermolecular interactions in open shell singlet (OSS) states, which are challenging for most of EDA methods due to the multi-reference character. These EDA methods are capable of handling various chemical problems, which were comprehensively reviewed in a recently published article. 11 Currently, the EDA methods mentioned above are implemented in various quantum chemical programs. For example, KM-EDA, 13 RVS-EDA, 17,18 and LMO-EDA 22 are included in the released version of GAMESS program; 38 ETS-NOCV-EDA 21 is implemented in ADF; 39 ALMO-EDA 20 is provided by Q-Chem. 40 Local-EDA 27 is available in ORCA. 41 SAPT 4-8 is involved in Q-Chem, 40 PSI4, 42 MOLPRO, 43 CamCASP, 44 and SAPT2020. 45 Our developed EDA methods were implemented in a home-made version of GAMESS. 38 Most recently, the GKS-EDA method has been implemented in Turbomole, 46 and used for the study of interactions in isoquinolinyl pyrazolate Pt(II) complexes. 47 Recently, all our developed EDA methods were reimplemented as a novel pro...