The emergence of a ferromagnetic component in LaM nO3 with low Cr-for-Mn substitution has been studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Mn and Cr K edges. The local magnetic moment strength for the Mn and Cr are proportional to each other and follows the macroscopic magnetization. The net ferromagnetic components of Cr 3+ and M n 3+ are found antiferromagnetically coupled. Unlike hole doping by La site substitution, the inclusion of Cr 3+ ions up to x = 0.15 does not decrease the Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion and consequently does not significantly affect the orbital ordering. This demonstrates that the emergence of the ferromagnetism is not related to JT weakening and likely arises from a complex orbital mixing.PACS numbers: 78.70.Dm, 71.70.Ej, 75.30.Et Doped manganites have been extensively studied owing to their colossal magneto resistance property and its potential applications to magnetic devices. The substitution at the Mn site (B site in the ABO 3 perovskite formula) of various transitional metal elements dramatically modifies the magnetic and electronic properties. The variations of the magnetic and electronic behaviors are associated with the dissimilar 3d electron configuration of the substitutions. Cr doping at the Mn sites has attracted special attention because Cr 3+ ions have the same electronic configuration t 3 2g e 0 g as M n 4+ . As the Cr 3+ ionic radius (0.615Å) is much closer to that of M n 3+ high spin (0.645Å) than M n 4+ radius (0.530Å), low substitutions of Cr 3+ result in changing the M n 3+ density without large distortion of the crystal cell 1 . These features make the partial substitution of M n by Cr in LaM nO 3.00+δ an interesting system for studying the close relationship between Jahn Teller (JT) distortion, double exchange (DE) and superexchange (SE) interactions and orbital degeneracy. Since the first studies of the series LaM n 1−x Cr x O 3 in the 1950s 2,3 it is known that upon Cr-doping the antiferromagnetic (AFM) Mott insulator LaM nO 3 develops a ferromagnetic (FM) component, but the character of the M n 3+ − Cr 3+ interaction has been under debate for a long time 1,2,4-16 . A M n 3+ -Cr 3+ SE FM coupling may account for the increasing Curie temperature and spontaneous magnetization with increasing Cr doping 4-7 . On the other hand several groups proposed DE interaction between M n 3+ and Cr 3+ 1,7 . Cr dopants can also be viewed as a quenched random field 8,9 . However direct x-ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments suggest that the exchange interaction between M n 3+ and Cr 3+ leads to a net local antiparallel coupling 12-15 , regardless of the magnetic state nature of the manganite compound. This scenario is supported by spin resonance investigations 16 .As far as we know, unlike A site substitution, the local distortion in Cr-substituted systems has not been the object of a specific study. The usual view is that, in a similar way as the formal introduction of M n 4+ by A site doping and/or oxygen overstoichiometry, B s...