The photodissociation of Br 2 CO around 267 nm has been studied by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy and ion velocity imaging. The atomic ͑Br and Br*͒ and molecular products (Br 2 and BrCO͒ are detected via multiphoton ionization with the same laser. The results show that the molecule dissociates into ͑1͒ Br͑fast͒ϩBr͑slow͒ϩCO via an asynchronously concerted three-body decay process for both ground and spin-orbit excited bromine atoms, ͑2͒ BrCO(A)ϩBr, and ͑3͒ Br 2 ϩCO, the molecular elimination channel. The translational energy distributions of bromine atoms from reaction ͑1͒ are bimodal. For both spin-orbit states the anisotropy parameters differ clearly for slow and fast bromine atoms, where the  values for slow bromine atoms decrease relative to those for fast atoms. The  values for the Br 2 elimination channel almost reach the low limit of Ϫ1. Taking into account the translational energy and angular distributions of these reactions, an asynchronously concerted decay mechanism could be proposed for the three-body dissociation. It is concluded that the transition dipole moment is in the direction perpendicular to the CvO bond in the initial excitation, which is also consistent with all the observations for reactions ͑2͒ and ͑3͒.