h i g h l i g h t s• Quantum coherence of systems coupled to finite baths composed of N harmonic oscillators is investigated. • A stochastic Schrödinger equation is solved numerically. • The energy and purity exchange between system and bath are described in details as a function of the numbers of bath harmonic oscillators.• The non-Markovian dynamics due to finite baths is analyzed.
a b s t r a c tCoherence and quantum average energy exchange are studied for a system particle as a function of the number N of constituents of a discrete bath model. The time evolution of the energy and coherence, determined via the system purity (proportional to the linear entropy of the quantum statistical ensemble), are obtained solving numerically the Schrödinger equation. A new simplified stochastic Schrödinger equation is derived which takes into account the discreteness of the bath. The environment (bath) is composed of a finite number N of uncoupled harmonic oscillators (HOs), characterizing a structured bath, for which a non-Markovian behavior is expected. Two distinct physical situations are assumed for the system particle: the HO and the Morse potential. In the limit N → ∞ the bath is assumed to have an ohmic, sub-ohmic or super-ohmic spectral density. In the case of the HO, for very low values of N ( 10) the mean energy and purity oscillate between HO and bath indefinitely in time, while for intermediate and larger values (N ∼ 10 → 500) they start to decay with two distinct time regimes: exponential for relatively short times and powerlaw for larger times. In the case of the Morse potential we only observe an exponential decay for large values of N while for small N's, due to the anharmonicity of the potential, no recurrences of the mean energy and coherences are observed. Wave packet dynamics is used to determine the evolution of the particle inside the system potentials. For both systems the time behavior of a non-Markovianity measure is analyzed as a function of N and is shown to be directly related to the time behavior of the purity.