“…Retarding voltage de endences of TSEE from(1) KCI-In, x 334 0 K, (P 342 OK, 0 347 K, + 352 OK, (2) KCI-Ag,: 336 OK, (3) PSEE of KC1-In and photoelectron emission of KCI-In ((4) 300 K, 4.89 eV) and KCI-Ag ((5) 340 OK, 4.89 eV; (6) 300 OK, 4.89 eV; (7) 300 OK, 5.38 eV);(1' to 4' ) a r e derivative curves of (1 to 4) and mean (0.8 to 1.4 eV) electron energies can be inferred from these results. Itis unusual for ordinary thermionics and shows that the conception of simple equilibrium thermionic emission from the conduction band i s not adequate to explain the TSEE process.…”