ve of the study is to optimize the energy costs of the fluidization mode when freezing serviceberry. Tasks: to create a methodology for calculating the energy costs required to organize the fruit fluidization mode in an air fluidization apparatus; to determine the critical fluidization rates when freezing serviceberry at different temperature modes of low-temperature processing; to determine the operating range of fluidization rates in a quick-freezing apparatus, ensuring the formation of a pseudo-fluidized layer and eliminating the carryover of fruits from the working area when freezing serviceberry; to determine the range of air movement rates during fluidization freezing, ensuring the minimum level of energy costs du¬ring the process. When solving the problem of optimizing these parameters, the similarity theory and criterial equations of heat exchange under forced convection conditions were used. The paper presents equations for determining the aerodynamic resistance of a fluidized bed, the boundaries of the fluidization mode with critical speeds w’, w”, and the amount of energy (LA) required to ensure the circulation of the required amount of air at a given speed. Graphs of the duration of freezing of serviceberry under various low-temperature processing modes are presented, which allows optimizing the process and ensures high efficiency of freezing products. The energy costs for creating and maintaining the fluidization mode in the working area of a quick-freezing apparatus for freezing serviceberry are determined depending on the speed and temperature of the air environment. The calculation results indicate that the optimal air velocity in the temperature range from minus 20 °C to minus 45 °C, at which the energy costs for organizing the fluidization mode in the working area of the quick-freezing apparatus will be minimal, is 6 m/s.