Rockville, MDCover Clockwise, beginning with the top of the cube:Description: Mesh representation of the coastlines of Greenland within the CISM-Albany model using a new algebraic multigrid solver, an ice sheet component option within ACME.Courtesy of Ray Tuminaro, Mauro Perego, Irina Tezaur, Andrew Salinger, Sandia National Laboratories, and Stephen Price, Los Alamos National Laboratory.Description: Monthly averaged Sea Surface Temperature from years 71-100 of a test simulation of the beta v1 ACME model with active ocean, sea ice, atmosphere, and land surface components.Courtesy of Milena Veneziani, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the DOE ACME ocean model development team.Description: Snapshot of instantaneous integrated water vapor from a development version of the ACME model atmosphere component.Courtesy of Kate Evans, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the DOE ACME atmosphere model development team.