The contribution of this work is to enable time-sensitive, computation intensive applications on wearable interactive devices. To achieve this goal, this work developed an elastic computation middle-ware to federate computation resources on wearable devices, mobile devices and the connected devices that can be connected via local-and wide-area networks. With the middle-ware, the mobile applications receive mandatory/-critical results before individual deadlines and optional/noncritical results when computation resources are available on either local or connected devices. Compared with multi-tier and resource-aware mobile computation frameworks, the elastic computation middle-ware does not only offload computation workloads to connected devices but also make use of the computation and storage resources on connected devices to enhance the computation results. In addition, the mobility of the devices are taken into account to avoid deny of service attack and fruitless workloads, whose requesters are disconnected at the time of completion. Our evaluation shows that the costperformance ratio of the middle-ware is the best among all the compared algorithms. To be specific, the cost-performance of the developed algorithm can be at least two times better than that of compared algorithms.