Luo Jianwen, Associate Professor Jong Ching Chuen, and Associate Professor Chang Chip Hong, for their friendship, help, discussions, suggestions and encouragement.I do also appreciate the support and help from my colleagues in the FTD Solutions Pte Ltd and in the Centre for Signal Processing, NTD. Especially, I would like to thank Qian Yue, Lu Dawei, Yang Fan, and Dr. Yu Zhuliang for their valuable comments, suggestions and criticisms.I have enjoyed the company and friendship of all of my friends in Singapore. I would like to thank them for making the past five years an unforgettable and invaluable experience in my life.Last, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my dear parents, my dear brother, and my lovely four year old nephew. It is indeed their deep love and consistent encouragement that has kept me focused, determined, cheered up, and never to say give up.