System on Chip (SoC) is an emerging technology for semiconductor devices that aims for better compaction with reduced interconnects, RC delay, noise, and power consumption. Wired connections between chips, ICs or SoC’s lead to increased heat dissipation, which is undesirable. Hence, mechanisms have been developed for making communication between the chips wireless and use of miniaturized RF antenna is inevitable. In this paper, to analyse the performance of wireless communication over millimeter range, millimeter scale RF antennas operating at frequencies of 20 GHz to 70 GHz are considered. Using ANSYS HFSS software, the scenario for intra and inter chip wireless communication is established using the bowtie antenna operating around 50 GHz and their performance evaluation is done considering the various parameters. An intrachip system of four bowtie antennas is simulated around 50GHz and the S-parameters are plotted and analysed