In contrast, striking abnormalities were seen in CF patients when insulin was infused, since they did not experience normal suppression of the appearance rates of leucine, phenylalanine, or tyrosine (indexes of protein breakdown). At an insulin concentration of 45 ؎ 2 U/ml, normal control subjects suppressed the leucine appearance rate by 19 ؎ 5% (P < 0.01), ketoisocaproate appearance rate by 10 ؎ 3% (P ؍ 0.03), tyrosine appearance rate by 11 ؎ 2% (P ؍ 0.03), and phenylalanine appearance rate by 6 ؎ 3% (P ؍ 0.07). Phenylalanine conversion to tyrosine decreased by 22 ؎ 7% (P ؍ 0.03). At a similar insulin concentration of 44 ؎ 3 U/ml, normal suppression of amino acid appearance did not occur in CF. The leucine appearance rate decreased by 4 ؎ 2% (P ؍ 0.65), ketoisocaproate appearance rate by 1 ؎ 2% (P ؍ 0.94), tyrosine appearance rate by 0 ؎ 6% (P ؍ 0.56), phenylalanine appearance rate by 5 ؎ 6% (P ؍ 0.34), and phenylalanine conversion to tyrosine by 5 ؎ 6% (P ؍ 0.95). Poor suppression of the amino acid appearance rate in CF was not related to previously documented glucose tolerance status (IGT or CF-related diabetes without fasting hyperglycemia), fasting insulin levels, the acute insulin response, insulin sensitivity, cytokine or counterregulatory hormone levels, resting energy expenditure, caloric intake, pulmonary function, or clinical status. Protein synthesis was not significantly affected by insulin infusion in either normal control subjects or CF patients. In conclusion, clinically stable adult CF patients have normal indexes of protein breakdown and synthesis in the fasting state. In contrast, elevation of plasma insulin to physiological postprandial levels fails to normally suppress indexes of protein breakdown. It is therefore likely that inability to spare protein during the postprandial state is the cause of protein catabolism in these patients. Diabetes