p PACA. See Rodentia. PACIFIC COD. See Codfishes.PACIFIC EQUATORIAL WATER. An immense surface oceanic water mass, extending from Central America to the East Indies. It is broader on the east, extending from 20°N to 20°S latitude, but it narrows greatly on the western side of the Ocean. Its surface temperature range is 8-15°C (46.4 to 59°F), salinity range 34.6-35.15%, but both properties decrease with depth below the lower values.PACIFIC HIGH. See Atmosphere (Earth).
PACKING (Absorption Column). See Absorption (Process).PADDLEFISHES (Osteichthyes). Of the order Chondrostei, family Polyodontidae, the paddlefishes resemble to some extent some species of shark. Although classified as Osteichthyes, they are a strange combination of cartilage and bone. These fishes are named for the rather tremendous paddle that is attached to the nose, equal in length to about one-third the length of the body of the fish. The small barbels under the paddle are reminiscent of sturgeons.Paddlefishes are known for very rapid growth and development. ~hen fully grown, a paddlefish may measure up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) m length, with a paddle an additional 2 feet (0.6 meter) in length and about 4 inches (I 0 centimeters) in width. Biologists have not determined the use for the paddle because the fish obtains its food by swimming with its mouth wide open. The main diet is comprised of crustaceans and planktonic organisms.Only two kinds of paddlefishes are known: (1) the Psephurus gladius, found in the Yangtse River valley; and (2) the Polyodon spathula, found in the Mississippi valley. It is considered to be an acceptable food fish. In the United States, the fish is sometimes called the spoon-bill, spoon-beaked sturgeon, and spoon-billed catfish, or simply spooner.PAGET'S DISEASE. See Bone; Dermatitis and Dermatosis.
PAINTS AND COATINGS.Traditionally, paints and other coatings have been considered in terms of protecting and decorating buildings, houses, furniture, automobiles, toys, boats, machines, and the like. These products represent a large industry estimated at about $15 billion per year worldwide. Nevertheless, these kinds of coatings account for only I 0-15% of the total coatings industry.One researcher 1 has classified coatings in two technically defined categories.Type !~Products manufactured and sold with several coating layers.Examples are the aforementioned applications, but also include color photographic film, graphic arts films for printing, coated papers for printing, coated containers for food packaging, magnetic storage media for computers and audio/visual equipment, optical 'E. D. Cohen, E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Parlin, New Jersey.disks for digital data storage, adhesive tapes, wallpaper, and metallized films. Type JJ~Coatings that become an integral part or a key intermediary for a device or piece of equipment. Sometimes, the term core technology is used for such applications. There is a wide variety of coating products in this classification and would include photoresists for circuit board manufacture, thickand t...