Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of collective and single-particle excitations of 1T -TaS2 and 2H-TaSe2 reveals the presence of a large gap in the excitation spectrum on the femtosecond timescale, associated with the formation of various degrees of CDW order. In common with superconducting cuprates, excitations with energies less than the full gap show much slower relaxation. This separation of timescales cannot be explained in a quasi-2D Fermi-Liquid picture with an anisotropic gap but rather suggests the formation of a fluctuating spatially inhomogeneous state eventually forming a long-range ordered state at low temperatures.Dimensionality can have quite a profound effect on the ground state properties of materials. For example quasi-one-dimensional metals often undergo a Peierlsdistortion to become insulating at low temperatures[1], or form strange "Luttinger" metals in which collective excitations give rise to peculiar low-temperature properties [2]. The ground state of two-dimensional (2D) materials in some cases is also very peculiar. Quasi-2D charge-density wave (CDW) dichalcogenides have been receiving renewed attention recently, particularly because they are thought to exhibit some important similarities to the high-temperature superconducting cuprates (HTSC). Both are layered, highly anisotropic materials which are often described in terms of a quasi-2D Fermi surface (FS) in their normal state. In HTSCs, it is commonly believed that the superconducting gap has nodes along certain directions on the FS due to the d-wave component of the order parameter, whereas in 2D-CDW systems a CDW gap is also expected only along certain wavevectors, remaining gapless (and metallic) on other regions of the FS. The low-energy single particle excitations in the two classes of compounds might therefore be expected to show some important common features related to reduced dimensionality. However, the validity of the Fermiliquid (FL) concept when applied to low-temperature properties in HTSCs has repeatedly been brought into question, suggesting that new insight into the physics of quasi-2D systems may be gained by investigating the low-energy electronic gap structure and carrier recombination dynamics of quasi-2D CDW dichalcogenides with femtosecond spectroscopy. The time-resolved technique has been shown to give femtosecond "snapshots" of the low-energy gap structure and as such presents an excellent alternative viewpoint compared to the more usual time-averaging frequency-domain spectroscopies [3,4,5].Here we apply the technique to the study of singleparticle (SP) and collective excitations in two different quasi-2D CDW dichalcogenides 1T -TaS 2 and 2H-TaSe 2 . We focus on the issue of single particle dynamics and gap formation in the two materials (note that the effective shutter speed is on the femtosecond timescale) and compare the results with the predictions based on a quasi-2D FL picture, finding some fundamental discrepancies between the expected behaviour and our observations. Both 1T -TaS 2 and 2H-TaSe 2 exhi...