Background An assessment done under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency in 2007 suggested that the β decays of abundant fission products in nuclear reactors may be incomplete. Many of the nuclei are potentially affected by the so called Pandemonium effect and their β-γ decay heat should be restudied using the total absorption technique. The fission products 137 I and 137 Xe were assigned highest priority for restudy due to their large cumulative fission branching fractions. In addition, measuring β-delayed neutron emission probabilities is challenging and any new technique for measuring the β-neutron spectrum and the β-delayed neutron emission probabilities is an important addition to nuclear physics experimental techniques.Purpose To obtain the complete β-decay pattern of 137 I and 137 Xe and determine their consequences for reactor decay heat andνe emission. Complete β-decay feeding includes ground state to ground state β feeding with no associated γ rays, ground state to excited states β transitions followed by γ transitions to the daughter nucleus ground state, and β-delayed neutron emission from the daughter nucleus in the case of 137 I.
MethodWe measured the complete β-decay intensities of 137 I and 137 Xe with the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We describe a novel technique for measuring the β-delayed neutron energy spectrum, which also provides a measurement of the β-neutron branching ratio, Pn.Results We validate the current ENSDF evaluation of 137 Xe β decay. We find that major changes to the current ENSDF assessment of 137 I β-decay intensity are required. The average γ energy per β decay for 137 I β decay (γ decay heat) increases by 19%, from 1050 keV to 1250 keV, which increases the average γ energy per 235 U fission by 0.11%. We measure a β delayed neutron branching fraction for 137 I β decay of 7.9 ± 0.2(f it) ± 0.4(sys)% and we provide a β-neutron energy spectrum.
ConclusionsThe Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer measurements of 137 I and 137 Xe demonstrate the importance of revisiting and remeasuring complex β decaying fission products with total absorption spectroscopy. We demonstrate the ability of the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer to measure β-delayed neutron energy spectra.